Would the Milgram experiment work today?


What does the Milgram experiment prove?

Milgram’s experiment demonstrated the power of authority and how someone in a position of authority can influence people to behave unethically and against their wishes .

What did Milgram conclude from his experiment?

‘ Following the experiment the participants were debriefed. Milgram found that all of the real participants went to at least 300 volts and 65% continued until the full 450 volts. He concluded that under the right circumstances ordinary people will obey unjust orders .

Why was Milgram experiment unethical?

The experiment is considered unethical because the people who were the participants were led to believe that they were administering a shock to real people . The individuals were unaware the learners were individuals associated with Milligram.

Why was the Milgram experiment so controversial?

Ethical Concerns in the Milgram Experiment

Some of the major ethical issues in the experiment were related to: The use of deception . The lack of protection for the participants who were involved. Pressure from the experimenter to continue even after asking to stop, interfering with participants’ right to withdraw.

What ethics did Milgram break?

The ethical issues involved with the Milgram experiment are as follows: deception, protection of participants involved, and the right to withdrawal . The experiment was deemed unethical, because the participants were led to believe that they were administering shocks to real people.

What is the major problem with the original Milgram study?

what is a major problem with the original Milgram study? Milgram lied to his respondents, making his study borderline unethical
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. The field of social psychology studies topics at the intrapersonal level.

Would the Milgram experiment work today?

Summary: A replication of one of the most widely known obedience studies, the Stanley Milgram experiment, shows that even today, people are still willing to harm others in pursuit of obeying authority.

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